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What to do when someone dies?

The death of a loved one is a very upsetting time for everyone in the family. 

Having to deal with so many things in such a difficult moment is very painful, especially if this is the first time when you're facing the loss of a dear one. The team at Victoria House Funeral Service is here to help and guide you through this process - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If the death occurs at a nursing home.

The staff/ the person responsible for the patient will contact the doctor and will arrange a visit. Once the death has been confirmed, the funeral director will be contacted to start the necessary arrangements.

Who should register the death?

  • A relative.
  • Someone who was present at time of death.
  • The person responsible for the patient.
  • The person making the arrangements with the funeral directors.

If the death occurs at home.

Get in touch with the deceased's doctor and arrange a visit. The GP has to confirm that the patient passed away and issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. If your loved one has a funeral plan, contact the provider and make further arrangements with the funeral director. 

Who should register the death?

  • A relative.
  • Someone who was present at time of death.
  • A resident of the house.
  • The person making the arrangements with the funeral directors.

If the death occurs at the hospital.

The patient's doctor will issue a  Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. The hospital's administrator will advise you regarding the availability of the certificate (when this will be ready for collection). Other documents needed for the funeral arrangements will be provided by the Patient's Affairs Office.

Who should register the death?

  • A relative.
  • Someone who witnessed the unfortunate event.
  • An official from the hospital.
  • The person making the arrangements with the funeral directors.

How to register the death of a loved one?

You have to arrange an appointment with the Registrar to register the death and submit the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. Please note that you will need several copies of the certificate depending on how many institutions you have to contact regarding this unfortunate situation.

Should the death be reported to a coroner?

There are certain circumstances when the death needs to be reported to a coroner. These include:

  • The cause of death is unknown or suspicious.
  • The death happened during an operation.
  • The death was caused by an industrial disease or poisoning.
  • There is no doctor to issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death or the patient wasn't seen by his doctor within fourteen days before his death.

If the death has been reported to a coroner, the registrar will only be able to register the death after the coroner confirms whether or not further investigation is needed.

We're here to help...

If you have any questions about the above information and you'd like to know more details, please give us a call today on  01429 234 777 or send us an email at [email protected] and one of our experienced and professional funeral directors will be here to help with any information that you require.